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RYNC's Name Pronunciation Dashboard

Introducing RYNC's Name Pronunciation Dashboard – the ultimate solution for companies, schools, universities, government institutes etc. to ensure everyone's name is pronounced correctly.

Our dashboard is designed to help you create a set of name pronunciations records for your employees, students, or members, and also provides access to RYNC's extensive database to understand how to pronounce names of people not part of your organisation. Our Name Pronunciation Dashboard is a user-friendly platform that enables you to:

Record your name as you would like to be addressed.

Assign phonetic spelling to each name, so others can easily understand the correct pronunciation.

Allow others to access the name pronunciations records, so they can confidently address colleagues, students, or members by their correct name.

Ensure a more inclusive and respectful environment by valuing everyone's name. 

With RYNC's Name Pronunciation Dashboard, you can say goodbye to the awkwardness of mispronouncing someone's name. Instead, you can create a culture of inclusivity and respect by demonstrating that every name matters. In addition to providing a solution for your organisation's name pronunciation needs, RYNC's Name Pronunciation Dashboard also offers access to our extensive database of name pronunciations. This feature allows you to learn how to pronounce names that are not part of your organisation,which can be particularly helpful when working with clients, suppliers, orpartners. Don't let mispronunciations damage relationships or cause discomfort in your organisation. With RYNC's Name Pronunciation Dashboard, you can create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone's name is pronounced correctly. Try it today and join the growing number of organisations that prioritise the value of every individual's name.

Schools & Universities

RYNC offers a unique solution for schools and universities looking to promote inclusivity and cultural sensitivity among their student body. The accurate pronunciation of names from various cultures and languages helps to create a welcoming environment for all students and ensures that they are addressed with the respect they deserve. The application's user-friendly interface and integration with various platforms make it easy for educators to implement the solution in their classrooms, while customizable options allow them to tailor the solution to their specific needs. With RYNC, schools and universities can foster a supportive learning environment and help students from diverse backgrounds feel valued and respected.

Financial Institutions

Banks and other financial institutions can use a name solutions application to better serve customers with non-traditional names. This can include individuals with non-English names, or individuals who have changed their name due to marriage or other reasons. By allowing customers to use their preferred name, financial institutions can provide a more inclusive and welcoming experience for all customers.

Healthcare Organizations

Hospitals and other healthcare organizations can use a name solutions application to better serve patients with diverse identities. Patients who have changed their name or who prefer to use a different name than their legal name can be more easily identified and respected. This can help create a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all patients.

Government Agencies

Government agencies can use a name solutions application to better serve citizens with diverse identities. This can include individuals with non-traditional names or individuals who have changed their name due to marriage or other reasons. By allowing citizens to use their preferred name, government agencies can provide a more inclusive and welcoming experience for all citizens.

Human Resources Departments

Companies and organizations can use a name solutions application to better serve employees with diverse identities. Employees who have changed their name or who prefer to use a different name than their legal name can be more easily identified and respected. This can help create a more inclusive and welcoming workplace for all employees.

We're open to serving anyone, regardless. Get in touch with us to learn more.

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